Categories of Governors
Parent Governors Parents, including carers, of registered pupils at the school are eligible to be elected as governors at the school. Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school by a process of nominations and a ballot if necessary. If insufficient parents stand for election, the Governing Body can appoint parent governors
Staff Governors Both teaching and support staff, who are paid to work at the school, are eligible to become Staff Governors. They are elected by school staff.
The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body by virtue of his/her office. If the Headteacher decides not to be a governor, he/she must inform the Clerk to the Governing Body in writing. His/her position remains reserved and cannot be taken by anyone else.
School staff who are eligible for election cannot serve as Local Education Authority ( LEA) or Community Governor. They may however vote in parent governor elections if they are a parent or carer of a child at the school.
Local Education Authority Governors The Local Authority appoints LEA Governors and any eligible person can be appointed to this role. A person cannot be appointed if they are eligible to be a Staff Governor.
Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body on the basis that they have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
Foundation Governors are appointed by the school’s Founding Body – in our case, the Diocese of Leicestershire as we are a Church School. They may hold office in an ex-officio capacity if they are the holder of an office specified in the Instrument of Government, for example the Parish Priest. The Foundation Governors are required to uphold, preserve and develop the religious character of the school. All categories of Governor are elected or appointed to serve a four-year term of office: governors may serve more than one term of office.