Our aims in RE are for children to:
• Learn about and from a range of faiths and world views.
• Develop an understanding of Christianity and other faiths as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it.
• Develop children’s skills of enquiry, reasoned argument and reflection.
Planning and Delivery
Our planning is based on both the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity syllabus (from RE Today services). Teaching of each unit is based around a key question. Pupils begin with a text - this may be music, pictures, film or a written text. They develop their knowledge and skills by firstly making sense of the stimulus through discussion, perhaps followed with a written response.
Philosophy for Children (P4C) is also promoted as a useful way of engaging pupils in their own learning and developing their critical and dialogical skills. In the following lessons the children are encouraged to evaluate, reflect and make connections with their own lives and with the ways that people of faith respond to the text.
Pupils may respond to the teaching, discussion and reflection using a variety of media, including artwork, writing or drama.
Our teaching of RE aims to equip our pupils with knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views, enabling them to develop their own ideas, values and identities. It aims to develop in pupils an ability to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to differ.
By the end of EYFS children will know that God is a name. They will know that Christians believe: God made our world, and we are to care for it; God came to earth in human form as Jesus; Jesus came to show that all people are precious and special to God and that Jesus died at Easter. By the end of KS1, children will be able to tell some stories from the Bible. They will be able to think, talk and ask questions about whether a text has something to say to them. They will know that we can find out about God in the Bible; Christians worship God and try to live in ways that please him; God has a unique relationship with human beings; Advent and Lent are a time for getting ready, and that Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead By the end of KS2, children will identify ideas arising from their study of texts and concepts and be able to comment on how far these are helpful or inspiring, justifying their responses. They will understand that many people of faith believe that God is omnipotent, omniscient and eternal; God is holy and loving (balancing ideas of God being angered by sin but loving and forgiving) and that not all faiths agree about what God is like.
As parents, you have a right to withdraw your child, wholly or partly, from:
- Receiving religious education (RE) given in the school in accordance with the school’s basic curriculum
- Attendance at religious worship in school
This is set out in section 71(1) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
- Mainstream: supplemental funding agreement (paragraph 2.V on page 16)
- Mainstream: single funding agreement (paragraph 2.49 on page 25)
Please contact the school office on: or 240 2288 to speak to a member of the SLT about withdrawal requests.